Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Mikhail Gorbachev and the end of Communism

GLASNOST- Is when people talk about what they like and dislike about soviet union and the econmic issuses.

PERISTROKIA- Is something to remake the soviet union.

Mikhail opened up the soviet union by letting them have more freedom allowing churches to reopen allowen people to read books that they use to can never read . people were allowed to open there own bussiness and vote for the country canidate. You were also allowed to speak your mind alot then you use to when communism was around . Everybody loved Mikhail he gave them so much freedom and it was easier for them to live and not have to walk around scared everyday.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Collapse of Communism

Communism collapse because people was not allowed to cross the border from communist East Germany to Democratic West Germany. Also the soviet union sepertae into fifteen different Repuiblican and Communism had low paying jobs. When Communist fell there was less for a need of a concern about nuclear annhilation. This caused so much fustration that people tared down the berlin wall because the wall was blocking them from crossing including doctors and scientist and those who tried were shot. At least 100 peopl were shot trying to go over the berlin wall. Finally on November 9, 1989 the wall came down after 28 years the East and the West could finally form new diplomatic relations. The collapse of the soviet union changed the world because the people can go where they please now and not have to worry that if they cross the boarder that they are going to get shot. Its like they gained freedom when soviet lost its control.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Creation of Isreal

Zionism- is a movement is a system that is retablishing a jewish home land in palastein.

When Isreal was created alot of conflict of religion because some people say that god says that people should leave there home and move to new land. But then some people didnt belive in go so they didnt want to leave so that cause alot of conflict in Isreal. the palestiens and Ireals did not get along because the jews were moving in to the palestiens home land. And the palestiens had a different religion that the jews so they didnt want them there.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

In my definition of Apartheid is to seperate the race like black& white.The blacks and the white were not allowed to share the same bathroom water fountain. And i think thats what they call Aparthied the seperate of race.Nelson Mandela is a hero because he fought for unity and liberation. Nelson mandela was the first black president in africa in 1950 he played a role in a non-violent campagin to undermine apartheid thats why the blacks loved him so much . He was the first black man to stand up to what is right. The publishers love Nelson Mandela so much because he also made us blacks be free and have rights just like Martin Luther King.

Friday, April 27, 2007

African Independence

Africa changed so much in 20 years because in 1955 there were more colonies in africa then independent countries. And in 1975 there were more independent countries then colonies in africa. For that reason i think Africa changed is because the leader changed in 1975. In Arica there were many leaders like leopold Sengal later became the first president off Senegal. Another leader was Kwame Nkrumah he was a leader of a non violent protest of people wanting freedom. A leader named patrice lumumba who wanted to divide the land .There was another leader named Mosie Tshombe.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

9th Gade Review Neolitic Revolution

Neolitic Revoloution is something that changed the way people lived from shifting hunting and gathering to just being civial. the establishment of social classes and the evntual rise of civilization. Neolitic Revolution was a major turning point in history. there was new technology and better tools so they can live better.

The Eurpean Union

The Eurpean Union is what made the travelers that visted Europe easier to travel because before thay had thay conference with the US who ever traveld to Europe had to stop at something like a check point and check ther ID and passport. They use to do that here to in the US but since Europe is part of the US now they can just travel.